Wochenendseminar in Berlin mit Cheftrainer Amnon Maor 6./ 7. Dezember 2014
A weekend seminar with Amnon Maor in Berlin.
Amnon Maor ist ehemaliger Chefausbilder der israelischen Grenzpolizei und Spezialeinheiten. Er ist ein weltweit angesehener Spezialist im Bereich der Selbstverteidigung und Sicherheitsausbildungen.
Dieses Seminar ist für Anfänger sowie für Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Kampfkünstler und Kampfsportler aller Stilrichtungen sind herzlich willkommen.
Inhalte: Bewegungsformen, Krav Maga Basic, Advanced, Knife Defense
Wann: Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014 von 10.00-15.00 Uhr
Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2014 von 10.00-15.00 Uhr
Wo: Sportschule in der Georg Wilhelm Str.3 in Berlin Charlottenburg
Kurspreis: 1 Tag 60 Euro, 2 Tage 95 Euro
Ausrüstung: Trainingskleidung , Hallenschuhe, Tiefschutz ( wenn vorhanden)
Anmeldung/ Info: Sven Seifert kmdseifert@web.de
Telefon: 01633128041
Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich, da nur begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl!
Der/die Teilnehmer/innen nehmen auf eigene Verantwortung an der Veranstaltung teil!
Instructor course “Knife Self Defence” in Israel 26-Oct-2014
The Maor Self Defence Center Israel organizes an Instructor course “Knife Self Defence” in Israel (Israeli army style) run by Amnon Maor, Chairman, Maor Self Defence Center.
Date: 26-Oct – 2-Nov 2014
Participants: Policemen, security professionals, soldiers, martial arts practitioners, civilians.
Age: minimum 21 years
Program: Hand to hand fight (Krav Maga Maor), special fitness for knife fighting, movements with knife in the hand (360 range), block and knife stab, movement at night, block stick attacks, control with various attacks (military technique), special test for leadership.
Film demonstration of a real life knife attack in Jerusalem, followed by a 1 day excursion to Jerusalem.
A detailed program will be handed out in Israel.
Requirements: No previous conviction, medical insurance, Good fitness (power and endurance), no health problems, valid passport.
Hotel: Tadmor Hotel, Herzliya Pituach , breakfast included. Accomodation in a double room. Additional fee for a single room. 7 nights ( Sunday to Sunday).
Arrival on Sunday, departure on Sunday.
Dress: Sports dress, Short sleeve and long sleeve T-shirts, trousers, shorts, swimming suit, sport shoes, cap, sun protection.
Transfers: Resposibility of participant. Information about airport transfer options (taxi, train) will be handed out short term in advance.
Diploma at the end of the course: Knife Self Defence Instructor in Israel by the Maor Center, Israel.
Fee: 1600 Euros (includes: accomodation 7 nights, breakfast, training and excursion to Jerusalem).
Registration and further information: please contact: beat@dwarf8.com
Our new website
Our new website is online now.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
Amnon Maor
Self Defense Center Israel