Senior Coordinator
Born in Jerusalem in 1953
After completing his service as a company commander in the infantry brigade of the IDF, he joined the ranks of the Border Police, a division of the Israel Police. He served in the Israel Police from 1976-2009 in a wide range of security positions in various units, most recently as the commander of the Southern District Border Police forces and as commander of the National Training School of Border Police officers and commanders.
Brig.-Gen. Shirizli left his unique mark in a wide range of areas: ·Reorganization of the national system for dealing with agricultural crimes. ·Changing of the operational strategy for improving security along the southern border. ·Upgrading of the instruction, training and development of innovative knowledge in the National Training School of Border Police – which was transferred to other units throughout the police department. ·Developing and crystallizing an operational method for crowd control, using innovative techniques for the efficient treatment of breaching of the peace and events involving unruly crowds. ·Leading the instruction and training of all police units in the above method. ·Distribution of the innovative method and its adjustment to external security organizations (i.e. the Prisons Authority, the IDF and interested bodies abroad).